miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Class Notes, Wednesday, 20 January, 2016

1. Grammar: Comparatives

Let's go to page 134. Look at the explanation for the comparative. Review the spelling rules for forming the comparative for adjectives and adverbs.

Let's correct the exercises on page 135.


1. Modern computers are much faster than the early ones.
2. My sister is taller than me.
3. I'm busier this week than last week.
4. Newcastle is further from London than Leeds.
5. I thought the third Men in Black film was worse than the first two.
6. Manchester United played better than Arsenal.
7. The French exam was harder than the German.
8. My new job is more boring than  my old one.
9. My new apartment is bigger than my old one.
10. I'm not lazy - I just work more slowly than you!


1. Jerry isn't as short as Adam.
2. My bag isn't as nice as your bag.
3. London isn't as big as Tokyo.
4. Cricket isn't as popular as tennis.
5. Adults don't learn languages as fast as children.
6. You don't work as hard as I do.
7. France didn't play as well as England.

5. Grammar: Superlatives

Let's go to pages 134 and 135. Read the information about superlatives. Review how to make regular and irregular superlatives.

Remember!!! Some superlatives have spelling changes!

5Ba Complete the sentences with the superlative.

1. Thais are the most polite people I've ever met. 
    Los tailandeses son la gente más educada que jamás he conocido.
2. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. 
3. This is the worst time to drive to the city.
4. She's the friendliest girl at school.
5. This is the most important part of the exam.
6. The best time to visit New England is autumn.
7. Ulan Bator is one of the most polluted cities in the world. 
8. The furthest I've ever flown is to Bali.
9. That's definitely the funniest film I've ever seen.
10. Rob's daughters are all pretty, but I think Emily is the prettiest.

5Bb Write sentences with a superlative + ever + the present perfect.

1. It is the hottest country I have ever been to.*
2. She is the most unfriendly person I have ever met.
3. It is the easiest exam he has ever done.
4. They are the most expensive trousers I have ever bought.
5. It is the longest film I have ever watched.
6. He is the most attractive man I've ever seen.
7. It's the worst meal I've ever eaten.
8. He's the most interesting teacher I've ever had.
9. It's the most exciting job we've done.

*Terminamos la frase con una preposición por ser verbo + preposición.

3. Reading and Speaking

Let's read the text on page 39, and the information about the friendliest city on pages 102, 107 and 110. We told our partners about the cities.

4. Listening

Let's go to page 39. Do you remember which cities were the friendliest? Take a moment and review the information about New York, Paris and Rome on pages 102, 107 and 110.

Now, let's listen and hear what happened in London. Answer the questions in 4b.

The photo test
1. Who did he ask first? 
    He asked a man walking down the street.
2. What did the person say?
    He said that he had no time.
3. Who did he ask next? What happened?
    He asked a man in a grey business suit. The man took one photo and walked away.

The shopping test
4. Where was the tourist shop?
    It was in Oxford Street.
5. How much did the bus and key ring cost?
    They cost 40 pounds altogether.
6. How much did he give the man?
    He gave the man 100 pounds.
7. Did he get the right change?
    Yes, the man gave him 60 pounds back in change.

The accident test
8. Where did he do the accident test?
    He did the test in the underground.
9. Did anyone help him?
    A man stopped, but he didn't help.
10. What did the man say?
      He said "Why don't you look where you are going?!"

New words

Key ring -> llavero
fall down / fall over -> caerse

5. Vocabulary: Describing a town or city

Let's go to page 156. Let's correct the vocabulary exercises.

1. Where is it? How big is it?

Reading is a town in the south of England, on the River Thames. It is about 40 miles west of London. It is a medium sized town an it has a population of about 250,000. It is famous for its music festival, which is one of the biggest in the UK.

2. What's it like?
a. Match the adjectives to the sentences 1-6.
b. Match the adjectives to their opposites (second column).

1. noisy - quiet
2. polluted - clean
3. crowded - empty
4. modern - old
5. boring - exciting
6. dangerous - safe

3. What is there to see?
a. Put the words in the right column.

Religious buildings

Places where you can buy things
department store
shoping centre

Historic buildings and monuments
town hall

6. Exam Practice

We continued practicing for the February exam. 

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Class Notes, Monday, 18 January, 2016

1. Reading and Vocabulary

Let's go to page 36. Read the article and match the headings to the paragraphs.

1. No time to stop
2. No time for Snow White
3. No time to wait
4. No time to write
5. No time for Van Gogh
6. More time on the road

What do the highlighted expressions mean?

save time -> ahorrar tiempo
takes more than fifteen seconds -> tarda más que 15 segundos
waste time -> perder el tiempo, malgastar el tiempo
in a hurry ->  de prisa, con prisas
spend more time -> pasar más tiempo
on time -> en tiempo, a tiempo

2. Speaking

Now, talk about the questions in 1e with a partner. Check your answers on page 101.

Let's do the conversation activity on page 37. Look at exercise 4 Speaking. Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 

3. Listening

Let's do some listening practice. Listen to track 2.42 and write the missing information and answers to the questions in exercise 5a on page 37.

1. Whatever you are doing, just try to slow down and enjoy. 
Example: Walk or drive more slowly.
2. Make a list of three things which are most important for you.
Example: Family, reading, playing sports.
3. Don't try to do two things at the same time.
Example: Don't read emails and talk on the phone.
4. Sit down and do nothing for half an hour every day.
Example: Sit outside at a café or in a park.
5. Be near water.
Example: Go and sit by a rive or on the beach.

4. Grammar: Travel survey

Match the pictures with the cities in excercise 1A on page 38.

Barcelona - 3
Copenhagen - 1
Dublin - 4
Paris - 5
Venice - 2

Now read the article in exercise b and complete the sentences with the correct information. 

1. Venice is the most romantic city.
2. Copenhagen is the cleanest city.
3. Paris has the best-dressed people.
4. Barcelona has the best architechture.
5. Dublin is the friendliest city.

5. Pronunciation: Word and sentence stress

Let's go to page 38. Look at the sentences in 2a. Underline the stressed syllable in the adjectives in bold. Listen to track 2.44 to check.

1. beautiful   2. expensive  3. impatient  4. generous  5. frightening
6. exciting  7. interesting*   8. romantic

Esta palabra se pronuncia con solo tres sílabas: in - trest - ing

6. Speaking

Ask and answer the questions in Pronunciation 2a with a partner. If you are working alone, write your answers. Try to think of additional questions in past simple.

7. Exam Practice

We practiced for the February exam.


Please go to page 135 and do Grammar Bank 5A and 5B.

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Class Notes, Wednesday, 12 January, 2016

1. Revise and Check

We did a practice exam and we corrected pages 34-35


1. b  2. c  3. a  4. b  5. c  6. a  7. b  8. a  9. a  10. c  11. a  12. c  13. b  14. b  15. b


A. Complete with a preposition.
1. in  2. for  3. for  4. on  5. for

B. Complete with make or do.
1. do  2. make  3. do  4. do  5. make

C. Complete the missing words.
1. lay  2. washing  3. try on  4. receipt  5. fit  6. gate  7. trolley  8. check-in  9. terminal  10. lifts

D. Circle the right adjective
1. boring  2. relaxed  3. exciting  4. depressing  5. interested


A. Circle the word with a different sound.
1. trolley  2. worry  3. chemist  4. customer  5. yet

B. Underline the stressed syllables.
1. arrivals  2. opposite  3. teenager  4. delivery  5. arrangement

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Class Notes, Monday, 11 January, 2016

1. Listening

Let's go to page 32. Listen to track 2.32 and answer the questions in 1b.

1. What does Sven do? 
    He is a lawyer in Stockholm.
2. What floor was his office on?
    It was on the 12th floor.
3. What happened when he first pressed the lift button?
    It started going down, then stopped.
4. How did he try to get help?
    He shouted, he pushed the alarm and he tried to phone his wife, but nothing worked.
5. Where did Sven's wife think he was? 
    She thought he was with another woman.
6. How did Sven get out of the lift on Monday morning? How did he feel?
    His coworkers called the emergency number and someone came and repaired the lift.
    He felt happy and very hungry.
7. What is Sven going to do every day now?
    He is going to take the stairs.

2. Grammar: Something, anything, nothing . . .

Let's do exercise 2A

1. I pressed gthe button again but nothing.
2. The police couldn't find him anywhere.
3. They phoned the emergency number and somebody came and repaired the lift.

Complete the rules in 2b with people, places or things.

1. Use something, anything and nothing for things.
2. Use somebody, anybody and nobody for people.
3. Use somewhere, anywhere and nowhere for places.

Let's go to page 132 and look at the explanation in Grammar Bank 4C.

**Use expressions with some for affirmative sentences.
**Use expressions with any for negative sentences and questions.
**Use expressions with no for grammatically affirmative sentences with a negative meaning and for negative short answers.

Ex. There is somebody at the door.
      There isn't anybody at the door. / There is nobody at the door.
      Is there anybody at the door? No, nobody. 

** Someone and somebody are EXACTLY the same
** No one is the only expression that is written separately.

Let's do the exercises on page 133 to practice.

4Ca Complete with something, anything, nothing, etc.

1. Did you meet anybody last night?
2. Someone phoned when you went out.
3. I've seen your wallet somewhere.
4. There's nothing interesting on TV tonight.
5. Did anyone call while I was out?
6. Did you go anywhere exciting at the weekend?
7. I've bought you something really nice for Christmas.
8. I rang the doorbell, but nobody answered.
9. We went shopping, but we didn't buy anything.
10. There's nowhere more expensive than London!

4Cb Answer with nobody, nowhere or nothing.

1. What did you do last night? Nothing.
2. Where did you go yesterday? Nowhere.
3. Who did you see? Nobody.

4Cc Answer the questions from b with complete sentences.

1. I didn't do anything last night.
2. I didn't go anywhere yesterday.
3. I didn't see anyone.

3. Reading

Let's go back to page 32. Read the article in exercise 4 and choose the best summary (resumen).

c. People sometimes don't tell the truth about their weekend.

Now answer the questions in b with a partner.

1. b.
2. b.
3. a.
4. b.

New words

jealous - celoso, envidioso
survey - encuesta
encourage - animar
such as - tales como

4. Speaking

Let's do the speaking activity in 5a and b on page 33. Talk with a partner about the questions in 5b.

New words:

I recommend it -> lo recomiendo
to go birdwatching -> ir a ver pájaros
binoculars -> prismáticos
go to church -> ir a la iglesia
go to mass -> ir a misa
load the dishwasher -> meter los platos en el lavavajillas
turn on / start the dishwasher -> encender el lavavajillas

5. Vocabulary: Adjectives

What is the difference between -ed and -ing adjectives?


* sensation / emotion
* for people 
* I'm bored -> estoy aburrido
Es el efecto
* Estar
* Extrinsico


* produces a sensation or emotion
* for people, activities, things . . .
* I'm boring -> soy aburrido
* Es la causa
* Ser
* Intrinsico

My job is tiring . . . so I am tired.
This film is boring . . . so I am bored.

Let's do exercise 6b on page 33. Listen to track 2.37 to check your answers.

1. boring   2. bored  3. depressed  4. depressing  5. relaxing  6. relaxed  7. interesting  
8. interested  9. excited  10. exciting

6. Pronunciation

Let's look at exercise 3a. What sound do the pink letters make?

1. b  2. c  3. a  4. c  5. a  6. b

Listen to 2.35 and check the sounds. 

HOMEWORK: WORK ON UNITS 1-4 in the workbook

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Class Notes, Monday, 21 December, 2015

1. Grammar: Present Perfect

Let's go to page 133. Let's correct exercises 4A and 4B.

*Recuerda! Usamos been para expresar la idea que alguien ha ido y vuelto y gone cuando se ha ido pero no ha vuelto. 

4Aa Write sentences with the present perfect.

1. She has bought a new jacket.
2. He hasn't found a job yet.
3. Have you spoken to Mr Jackson?
4. We have found a fantastic hotel.
5. They haven't finished eating.
6. Have you seen Peter this morning?
7. Have you done your homework this week?
8. We haven't replied to Mr Jones's email yet.

4Ab Write sentences or questions with already, just, or yet.

1. I have just had breakfast.
2. Have you finished your homework yet?
3. The film has already started.
4. I haven't met his girlfriend yet.
5. They have just got married.
6. You're too late. He's already gone home.
7. Have you spoken to him yet?
8. I haven't read his new book yet.

4Ba Complete with the verb in the present perfect.

1. Have you ever bought clothers from that shop?
2. I have always wanted a pair of designer shoes. Siempre he querido unos zapatos de marca.
3. I haven't read the newspaper today.
4. We haven't been to the new shopping centre yet.
5. Has your brother lived abroad all his life?
6. They have gone to live in South America.
7. She hasn't flown before.
8. James hasn't met his girlfriend's family yet.
9. Have you eaten in this restaurant before?
10. Jane has gone to the gym - she'll be back in an hour.

4Bb Complet the dialogue with the present perfect or the past simple.

1. did you see
2. went
3. haven't been
4. saw / have seen
5. did you enjoy
6. loved

4Bc Complete with been or gone.

1. gone
2. been
3. been
4. gone
5. been

2. Grammar: Present Perfect

Let's go back to page 28. Look at the pictures in 3a. What do you think the people are arguing about? (sobre qué están discutiendo?)

Let's listen to track 2.15 and check.

Now, listen again and complete the dialogues with a past participle from the list in 3b on page 29.

1. A. Have you seen my yellow jumper? I can't find it.
    B. No, I haven't. Have you looked in your wardrobe?

2. A. Why aren't you doing your homework?
    B. I've already done it.  (Ya lo he hecho)

3. A. Have you finished yet? (¿Ya has terminado?)
    B. Nearly. (Casi)
    A. I need the bathroom now.
    B. But I haven't dried my hair yet. (Pero todavía no me he secado el pelo)
    A. Well, hurry up then.  (Pues date prisa)

4. A. Can you get a plate for that sandwich?
        I've just cleaned the floor!  (Acabo de limpiar el suelo)
    B. Ok. Oops - too late. Sorry! (Ok. Vaya - demasiado tarde. Perdón!)

Look at the first two questions in dialogue 1. Are they about:

a) a specific time in the past
b) a non-specific time in the past

Take a look at the meaning of the sentences with already, yet, and just.  Make sure you understand the translations.

2. Pronunciation

Let's go to page 29 and look at exercise 4. Let's listen to track 2.19 and repeat the sounds.

Now, put the words in 4b in the correct column. Let's listen to track 2.20 to check.

/j/ yacht

yet, yellow, new, uniform, year, student, beautiful, young, argue

/dʒ/ jazz

just, jumper, change, teenager, enjoy, jacket, bridge

Practice saying these words and the sentences in 4c. Focus on the difference between the two sounds. 

*El primer sonido se pronuncia muchas veces antes de vocales y se aproxima al mismo sonido o la "ll" en español, por ejemplo /nyu:/ new o /yu:nɪfɔ:m/ uniform.
*El segundo sonido no existe en el castellano. Es como la "ch" pero es un sonido vibrante. Hay que hacer vibrar a los dientes.

3. Speaking and Writing

Let's go to page 101. Look at activity 4A. Focus on the picture for a minute and try to remember what you see.

Now go to page 102. Write down what you can remember. Then tell your partner.

He has already made the bed.

He hasn't washed up his coffee cups yet.
He hasn't tidied his desk yet.
He hasn't picked up his towel yet.
He has just taken the dog for a walk.
He hasn't turned his computer off yet.
He hasn't put his clothes in the cupboard yet.
He has already had a shower.
He has already had breakfast.

4. Reading

Let's go to page 30. Read the interview and complete the gaps with the phrases in 1c.

1. E  2. B 3. F 4. A 5. D 6. C

New words:

fancy dress -> disfraz para una fiesta
costume -> disfraz; vestuario para actores; traje tradicional
disguise -> disfraz para esconder la identidad
customers -> clientes
wedding dress -> vestido de novia
realize -> darse cuenta
high heels -> tacones altos
in bare feet -> descalzo/a
leather -> cuero

5. Listening

Let's listen to track 2.26 and do exercises 3a and 3b on page 31.

3a. 1. some trousers  2. some sports clothes  3. a shirt  4. a coat

3b. 1. This person wanted to look like a famous singer, but looked like another.
      2. This person suddenly didn't need the new clothes any more.
      3. This person bought the clothes too quickly and later didn't like them.
      4. This person bought something online, but didn't like the clothes when they arrived.

You can listen again with the transcript on page 120.

6. Vocabulary: Shopping

Let's go to page 31 and do exercise 4a. Listen to 2.27 and complete the gaps.

1. I remember when I was in the changing room I thought they looked fantastic.
2. I sold it on eBay.
3. I hate clothes shopping and I never try things on.
4. I didn't have the receipt, so I couldn't take it back.
5. Well, I bought it online from a website that has cheap offers.

What do the highlighted phrases mean?

1. probador
2. lo vendí por internet (en eBay, una página de subastas)
3. nunca me pruebo la ropa.
4. no lo pude devolver
5. lo compré por internet

Let's go to page 155. Match the images with the words in 1a.

1. take something back devolver algo a la tienda
2. receipt recibo, ticket
3. checkout la caja
4. customer cliente
5. changing rooms probadores
6. try something on probarse algo (ropa)
7. trolly / basket  carrito / cesta
8. shop assistant dependiente/a

* If clothes don't fit you -> no te valen, son demasiado ajustados o flojos
* If clothes don't suit you -> no te quedan bien, no te favorecen

Now, lets complete the text in exercise 2 with the words from the list.

1. website
2. account cuenta
3. item artículo, producto
4. size
5. basket
6. checkout
7. delivery entrega
8. payment pago
9. auction subasta

New word:

expiry date fecha de caducidad

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Class Notes, Wednesday, 16 December, 2015

1. Listening

Let's go to page 26. Listen to track 2.8 and decide if the sentences are True or False. Correct the false sentences.

1. The New York office is smaller than the London office. F much bigger
2. Barbara is the designer of the magazine. editor
3. Rob has never been to New York before. F was in
4. Barbara is going to have lunch with Rob and Jenny. F isn't
5. Holly is going to work with Rob. T
6. Holly wants to go to the restaurant because she's hungry. she wants to talk to Rob

2. Vocabulary: Restaurants

We did the quiz in exercise 2 with a partner. Here are some new words:

menu -> carta
dish -> plato ( entrante, sopa, etc.)
starter -> entrante / primer plato
main course -> plato principal /segundo plato
tip -> propina
check / bill -> la cuenta
sparkling water -> agua con gas
rare -> poca hecha
medium rare -> en su punto
well done -> muy hecha

3. Listening and Speaking

Let's listen to track 2.9 and answer the questions in 3a on page 26.

1. What do they order?

Jenny orders tuna and a green salad. Rob orders steak and fries. They both have sparkling water to drink.

2. What problems do they have?

The waitress brings Jenny fries instead of a salad, and Rob's steak is rare instead of well done.

Now, listen to the track again and complete the dialogue in 3b on page 27.

Are you ready to order?
Can I get you something to start with?
Would you like that with fries or a baked potato?
How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?
Ok. And to drink?
Still or sparkling?
The tuna for you ma'am, and the steak for you, sir.
No problem. I'll change it.
I'll take it back to the kitchen.

Now, practice the dialogue in pairs.

Now, practice ordering other things. Use the information in 2e.

4. Listening

Let's go to page 27. Listen to track 2.11 and answer the questions in 4b.

1. What's Rob going to write about?
     He's going to write aout his first impressions of New York and the nightlife.
2. How does Holly offer to help him with interviews?
    She knows people in the theatre and musicians and can arrange for them to meet Rob.
3. What does she say they could do one evening?
    She suggests that they go out to a show together.
4. What's the problem with the check? 
    They only ordered two bottles of water, not three.
5. Why does Jenny say it's time to go?
    Rob has a meeting with Barbara at 3pm.
6. Do you think Jenny wanted Holly to come to lunch?
    It seems like Jenny wasn't happy that Holly came.

Let's complete the social English phrases in exercise 4c. You can listen to track 2.12 to check.

So tell me, Rob . . .
Well, to begin / start with . . .
Do you have any ideas / suggestions / recommendations?
That would be great
Could we have the check (bill), please?
Excuse me, I think there's a mistake.
Ok, time to go. 

5. Reading

Let's go to page 28 of your book. Let's read about teenagers adolescentes and their annoying habits. 

Next, let's check the meaning of the highlighted words:

without knocking -> sin llamar
carry on texting -> seguir mandando mensajes de texto
change the channel -> cambiar de canal
to tidy -> recoger, ordenar
pick up dirty clothes -> recoger la ropa sucia
do the washing-up -> fregar los platos
complain -> quejarse

Here are some more new words:

annoyed -> molesto, mosqueado
mess -> desorden
roll your eyes -> entornar los ojos

7. Vocabulary: Housework

Let's go to page 154 and learn some vocabulary about housework.

1. Lay the table Poner la mesa
    (clear the table) Recoger la mesa
2. do the washing hacer la colada
3. do the shopping hacer la compra
4. make the beds  hacer las camas
5. put away your clothes  guardar la ropa
6. do the ironing planchar
7. clean the floor limpiar el suelo
8. do the washing-up fregar los platos
9. tidy your room ordenar / recoger tu habitación
10. pick up dirty clothes (from the floor)  recoger ropa sucia (del suelo)
11. take out the rubbish sacar la basura
12. make lunch hacer la comida

More housework vocabulary:

to vacuum / to hoover -> pasar la aspiradora
to fold clothes -> doblar la ropa
to dust -> pasar el polvo
to sweep -> barrer
to mop -> fregar el suelo
cutting board -> tabla de cortar
ironing board -> tabla de planchar
iron (n) -> plancha
broom -> cepillo de barrer / escoba
leftovers -> sobras / restos de comida
crumbs -> migas
laundry basket -> cesta de la colada
bucket -> cubo
mop (n) -> fregona
clothes dryer -> secadora de ropa
clothesline -> tendal
clothespins -> pinzas de tender la ropa

Do grammar bank 4A y 4B on page 133.